I've started reading 'The Undomestic Goddess' by Sophie Kinsella, and although thoroughly enjoying it (I'm a huge fan of the Shopaholic series too!) I can't help but to begin to wonder that I am all too similar to the lead character - Samantha.
Ok, so I'm definitley not a high flying lawyer who's recently lost my job, but much like Samantha I struggle to complete even some of the most menial house work tasks. Actually, now I think about it... it's more of case of 'won't do it' rather than 'can't. So after living on my own for three years, you'd think I'd be pretty competent cooking for myself. Wrong. The most complex dish I can rustle up is pasta... oh and some ready made Dolmio.
So I've set myself the task of cooking meals from scratch.... that means no more jars, and definitely no more micowave meals!
Last night was the the first run, and so I made fajita's. It was pretty easy, and there was even some left over to take to work for my lunch today - so I'm saving money too!
So far so good!
So far so good!
How are you all in the kitchen?
I'll leave you with some food porn....