I've been so busy this past week and my blog has been neglected, so I apologise to all my followers. I'm back now and hopefully with lots of interesting posts.
Since I've been gone, I've become a fully fledged graduate and braved the stage without tripping to collect my certificate. It's so surreal, I hate the thought that my time as a student is finally over :(
I did get to see all my best friends again, and it's made me realise how much I miss them.
I have also been tagged by Twiggy to tell you lot 7 things you didn't know about me. I'm rubbish at these but here it goes.
1. I'm a twin. We're not identical and I'm 12 mins older!
2. My dream is to live in gorgeous apartment in SouthKensington, with Amylase and a kitten
3.I was a huge Busted fan.... and have to admit i still love a bit of a Busted sing along.
4. I'm interning at the oldest women's magazine in the UK.
5. My favourite colour is green.
6. I work as a waitress at Pizza Hut, oh and I love it.
7. I'm 1/3 of the most awesome online magazine. Cellardoor (check it out)
Each and every one of you!
love the have a nice day bag, priceless.