I've been really bad at blogging, and I apologise. This past couple of weeks have been mega busy. I'm in the middle of moving house, so I'm surrounded by boxes and black bags which contain my life!
I'm leaving my uni house for the final time and returning home. I'm so sad as this is the end of an era. I've lived here for the last 3 years and I've made so many new friends and wonderful memories, so it's going to be pretty emotional to leave. Oh and the boyfriend is staying here, which makes it even harder to leave.
But enough of the sadness, I've also got lots to look forward to as well. I've been busy writing for an online magazine Chiconomise, which is pretty cool so take a look if you've got a spare minute.
I've also got a few internships in the pipeline so I'll keep you all updated on those. It's great to finally see my life going somewhere so keep your fingers crossed for me.
On a final note my tutor put my name forward for the Layout designer, on new publication for my Uni. It's based on 'Second Life', which I actually have no clue about but it's great to get some of my work published.
Well I better get back to work. Packing and Indesign calls, but I'll leave you lovelies with these adorable Chanel Cupcakes from Sheryl.
One Word
Those cupcakes are amazing! :D:D